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Bela krajina Nature Centre

Our NATURAL HISTORY COLLECTION appealingly and dynamically introduces our visitors to two of our area’s greatest assets for which we are renowned not only in Slovenia but world-wide: intact nature and its exceptional bio-diversity.

The orderly-arrangedLogotip Centra Narave Bele Krajine and well-conceived collection is interesting to all generations, with its diverse range rousing curiosity and a thirst for new knowledge. You can delve deeper into the story of the minerals of Bela krajina through fossils caught in stone. You can track the development of limestones at the illustrative globes, geological chart, and column.

You will also learn about the characteristic process of the dissolution of rocks in the karstic terrain, the formation of sinkholes, and even walk through an actual karst cave. You can use a magnifying glass to examine interesting cave animals, with the Congeria jalzici, the olm, and the back olm in the lead roles. A special emphasis is placed on the protection of vulnerable groundwater.

You will notice numerous rare and endangered animal species that still inhabit the springs and ponds of Bela krajina as well as the Kolpa River.

The exhibition also includes a characteristic regional feature of Bela krajina – a steljnik birch tree copse with eagle fern undergrowth. It is home to birch trees, several plant species, fungi, butterflies, and birds. The children’s area includes the dormouse corner abounding in breath-taking information about the dormouse; children can also have fun learning how to distinguish between the tracks of different forest dwellers inhabiting Bela krajina and the Kočevski rog plateau.

Attractive photographs of the Lahinja Regional Park, Landscape Park Kolpa, and the picturesque source of the nearby Krupa River will undoubtedly encourage you to take a tour of these hidden locations!

The Beauty of Nature

See the beauty of nature in Semič and Bela krajina.

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